Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Community Health Nursing Essay Example for Free

Community Health Nursing Essay Healthy People provide a 10-year national objective for improving the health of Americans. It has established benchmarks and monitored progress over time in order to encourage collaborations across the country, empowering individuals toward making knowledgeable health decisions, and measuring the impact of prevention activities. The vision is for a society in which all people live long and healthy lives. Objectives new to Healthy People 2020 are related to policies targeting young children through physical activity in childcare settings, television viewing and computer usage, recess and physical education in the Nation’s public and private elementary schools. Physical activity is important as it can improve health and quality of life for all, including those with disabilities. Increased physical activity in children and adolescents can improve bone health, cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, decrease levels of body fat and reduce symptoms of depression. There is an epidemic of obesity among our children today, this is linked to the over use of computer games and television. Healthy People 2020 have set an objective that sets limits to screen time. It was rather interesting to me that the pediatrician informed me that my infant, now a toddler should not be watching television at all as recommended by the Journal of Pediatrics. As mentioned in The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, there is a dangerous link found between childhood obesity and asthma (Rance, O’Laughlen, 2011). A common assumption is that weight gain occurs because many asthmatic patients avoid exercise since physical activity can trigger their symptoms, though many contributing factors coexist (Rance, et. al., 2011). Interesting enough there has been a suggestion that overweight/obesity as a risk factor for developing asthma (Papoutsaakis, Priftis, Drakouli , Prifti, Konstantaki, Chondronikola, Matziou, 2013). As  an adolescent I was diagnosed with having chronic asthma, as I was extremely active and not an overweight child. Physical activity was a normal part of my daily afterschool routine, I ran track, was a member of the swim team and was on the cheerleading squad. So having asthma one should not exclude physical activity from their life as it helps to prevent obesity and other ailments. A study illustrated that children were more adept at identifying healthy foods and explaining their benefits than identifying activities that make their bodies healthy (Lanigan, 2011). This study also discovered that the media was the primary source of children’s health knowledge. Parents need to become more involved and lead by example as it pertains to the health and welfare of their children. This is why I often volunteer for the various optimist clubs in the community, sharing information on the importance of staying active, hydrated and eating a well balanced diet. I keep my kids in extracurricular activities such as sports, promoting physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. Early-learning professionals and parents need to play a more prominent role in teaching children about the benefits of healthy eating and activity (Lanigan, 2011). There has been a correlation between paternal influences on children’s weight gain, as a review demonstrated fathers who were overweight viewed themselves and their offspring as normal weight (Fraser, Skouteris, McCabe, Ricciardelli, Milgrom, Baur, 2011). The children in this study were more likely to eat fast food, eat at fast pace, eat when bored and were less likely to eat dinner together as a family (Fraser, et al., 2011). As it was hard to discern whether these behaviors are a result of children modeling behaviors displayed by their fathers’, although the heavier the fathers were the greater the number of hours their children spent in sedentary activities such as watching television and usin g the computer (Fraser, et al., 2011). One strategy not mentioned in Healthy People 2020 is mandating parent involvement and modeling, which I consider first line of defense for prevention of childhood obesity and related disease. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), builds on and strengthens the foundation for prevention and wellness established by Healthy People, the nation’s health promotion and disease prevention aspirations for a healthier nation (Fielding, Teutsch, Koh, 2012). The Guide to Community Preventive Services recommends making physical activity the easy choice by creating in our communities accessible parks and  recreation; encouraging the social norm of walking, bicycling, and climbing stairs where these activities can reasonably substitute for driving and riding elevators or escalators; and placing greater emphasis on mass transit and mixed residential and commercial development to encourage greater spatial integration of places where people live, work and shop (Fielding, et al., 2012). In conclusion, community based childhood obesity prevention programs with a school component focusing on both diet and physical activity is more effective at preventing obesity and overweight (Bleich, Segal, Wu, Wilson, Wang, 2013). As previously mentioned one strategy not mentioned in Healthy People 2020 is mandating parent involvement and modeling, which I consider first line of defense for prevention of childhood obesity and related disease. References Bleich, S. N., Segal, J., Wu, Y., Wilson, R., Wang, Y. (2013). Systematic review of community-based childhood obesity prevention studies. Pediatrics, 132(1), e201-e210. doi:10.1542/peds.2013-0886 Fielding, J. E., Teutsch, S., Koh, H. (2012). Health reform and healthy people initiative. American Journal of Public Health, 102(1), 30-33. doi:102105/AJPH.2011.300312 Fraser, J., Skouteris, H., McCabe, M., Ricciardelli, L. A., Milgrom, J., Baur, L. A. (2011). Paternal influences on children’s weight gain: a system review. Fathering, 9(3), 252-267. doi:10.3149/fth.0903.252 Lanigan, J. D. (2011). The substance and sources of young children’s healthy eating and physical activity knowledge: implications for obesity prevention efforts. Child: Care, Health Development, 37(3), 368-376. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2214.2010.01191.x Papoutsaakis, C., Priftis, K. N., Drakouli, M., Prifti, S., Konstantaki, E., Chondronikola, M., Matziou, V. (2013). Childhood overweight/obesity and asthma: is there a link? a system review of recent epidemiologic evidence. Journal of The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 113(1), 77-105. doi10.1016/j.jand.2012.08.025 Rance, K., O’Laughlen, M. (2011). Obesity and asthma: a dangerous link in children: an integrative review of the literature. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 7(4), 287-292. doi:10.1016/j.nurpra.2010.06.011

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Physics of the Microwave Oven Essay example -- physics kitchen microwa

Physics is in every area of life from the starry skies we see at night to the cells inside our bodies. Even what might appear to be the simplest thing is actually very complex when one looks at the details. Physics helps us understand the basics of how life operates. Microwave ovens are often used to reheat left over food, cook TV dinners and frozen foods, and to quickly heat food but is seldom recognized and understood by those who use them. People typically don’t know how a microwave oven operates, how it is structured, or how the food is actually heated. Microwaves were first created in 1947 being 1.8 meters in height and 750 lbs created by Percy Spencer while building magnetrons for radar sets during World War II. The magnetrons would allow the radar sets to indicate where the enemy machinery was located, since the microwaves would reflect off metal. When Percy Spencer was working with the microwaves he noticed that a chocolate bar melted when exposed to the microwaves. Testing the capability of the microwave to cook food he used first popcorn which was successful and secondly an egg which exploded. The first microwaves, then called the Radarange, were used only in the military and for large restaurants due to their size, then the size was decreased in the 1952's and was priced $1295 which models the microwaves we see in households today. According to Miriam-Webster's Dictionary an electromagnetic wave is "one of the waves that are propagated by simultaneous periodic variations of electric and magnetic field intensity and that include radio waves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X rays, and gamma rays." What this actually means is that electromagnetic waves have both electric and magnetic fields that o... ...g tough many people will stick a moist paper towel or napkin over the bread lockingthe moisture in and keeping it soft. TV dinners as we all know are usually made for the microwave as well as other types of quick meal foods. These foods usually are frozen so they have a substantial amount of moisture which evaporates unneeded water, but doesn’t dry out the food as it is being cooked. As many have heard it is not a good idea to cook an egg in the microwave, as the inside of the egg heats up it expands, however the shell on the outer surface is a solid rather than a fluid so it doesn’t expand as rapidly or as much as the liquids on the inside do therefore causing the egg shell to break. An egg shell break is not typically such a bad thing on the stove since the egg is being slowly warmed up, but in the microwave it heats up even more quickly and explodes.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Brave New World Connection Essay

In the world state â€Å"erotic play† is encouraged and forced upon children starting at an extremely young age. â€Å"We had Elementary Sex for the first forty minutes,† she answered. â€Å"But now it's switched over to Elementary Class Consciousness. † â€Å"The Director walked slowly down the long line of cots. Rosy and relaxed with sleep, eighty little boys and girls lay softly breathing. † (Huxley 71) This tool or game helps the world leaders, such as Mustache Mood, solidify the Idea that sex Is only meant for happiness and pleasure.As a reader you start to become uncomfortable with all of these little kids engaged In sex. In our current society â€Å"erotic games or play are completely Immoral and wrong especially for children but also for adults. The brains of children haven't fully developed and are not as sophisticated making them very influential and completely incompetent of understanding how these games could possibly effect their future relat ionships. The effects could lead children to believe that it is k to have sex with anyone at anytime even if the person is some one who hey have never even met.Relationships are a sign of togetherness a sign of affection, but in the novel there are not any true relationships there are these sorts of friendships, friendships that are souls based on sex. This is a main problem that John faces with Lenin, he wants to engage In a relationship with Lenin but she Is Incapable of loving him the same way that he wants to love her making John Incredibly frustrated and disappointed. Lenin wants sex and John wants love, this shows perfectly the mall differences teen the world state and our society.This concept of brain washing people and making them believe what you believe and make them do what you do, such as sex, is enforced by the world leaders. The world leaders are the world states people in the positions of highest power. The main way that the leaders maintain power is that they keep th e citizens in this constant â€Å"high† from the effects of a drug known as soma. Much like in the world today the people do drugs to suppress the feelings that are being felt and us it to bring out a appear more relaxed version of themselves.Drugs in our life are an escape but in the novel they are required for everyone, much to the disapproval of people like Bernard Marx. â€Å"Glum, Marx, glum. † The clap on the shoulder made him start, look up. It was that brute Henry Foster. â€Å"What you need Is a grammar of soma. † (Huxley 43). In this quote Henry Foster and Bernard Marx are talking and Bernard Is speaking about how he feels like he doesn't fit into the alpha plus ideal because of his size, Henry he building.Although there are a lot of differences between the world as we know it to be and this fictional world created by Huxley, in some weird way Huxley seemed to know exactly where the world was heading and different topics that would become more influent ial and less influential in our lives. Sex is one of these predictions. When Huxley wrote this book sex was still a thing to be cherished but now it is starting to shift towards being more and more common and is somewhat loosing its value.Not o the extent of the novel where people are having sex with everybody and anybody but to the point where there is a T. V show about 16 year old girls who have become mothers. â€Å"sex should be more than an act of pleasure, it's the ability to be able to feel so close to a person, so connected, so comfortable that its almost breathtaking† ( ). This quote was taken from an article where the author is coming off pretty heated and is talking about her 19 year old daughter who doesn't even know who the father of her newly born child is because she had been with so many guys.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Leadership in Organization Free Essay Example, 1750 words

The Contingency theory informs that leadership styles can change according to the environment in which, leadership is needed. A similar leadership style cannot be adopted for all kinds of circumstances; therefore, leadership styles can vary according to the situations (Wagner, 2005). Not only the leadership styles but also the characteristics of the followers and the needs of the circumstances are notified in Contingency theories. Situational theories are somehow related to the Contingency theories because both consider varied leadership styles in varied situations. Leaders that come under the category of Situational theories opt for the suitable tasks according to the needs of a situation. The leaders are also able to make use of certain leadership styles in differing situations (Wagner, 2005). For decision making, the leaders try to make use of most effective methodologies. The leaders are not habitual of making use of any prioritized leadership style. Behavioral theories are base d on the concept of behaviorism according to which, personality development is a process of behavior development and a person gains a certain behavior or personality with experience and time. Similarly, leadership under Behavioral theories is a kind of leadership that gains traits and qualities with the passage of time and with behavior development. We will write a custom essay sample on Leadership in Organization or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now According to the Behavioral theories, leadership is not innate but gained through learning (Wagner, 2005). Leadership, its styles and qualities can be learnt and adopted with experience and with learning. Some leaders come under the participative theories category as they like to add participation of their co-workers in the decision making process (Wagner, 2005). Other members of a group under a leadership are also considered important and their contribution is regarded and validated. Due to encouragement to group members, the decision making process is much more easier and the leaders are able to get proper set of opinions and ideas from other members as well. The leader has the full right to accept or reject the input by other group members. The right of decision making is kept with the leader. Management or Transactional theories of leadership are such theories according to which, the leaders appreciate and reward other people on the basis of the ir performance as well as reproach and punish them for bad performance (Wagner, 2005). The subordinates have to perform as they are asked and their work is appreciated in place of their other kinds of inputs.